- Mary Doak, Planning Commission Representative & Chair
- Ed Nagy, Council Representative
- Kim Leet, Vice Chair
- Butch Short
- Vacant
The Zoning Boards of Appeals (ZBA) meets as needed to interpret the Zoning Ordinance and to approve or deny requests for variances to the provisions of the ordinance in the Tawas City Hall Council Chamber, 550 W. Lake St.
The ZBA consists of one (1) member of the City Council, one (1) member of the Planning Commission with appointment by the City Council, and three (3) members who are appointed by the City Council for a total of five (5) members. No Elected Officer or Employee of the City, other than the Council Member, is eligible to be a member of the ZBA.
The ZBA interprets the Zoning Ordinance to approve or deny requests for variances to the provisions of the ordinance. The ZBA does not have the power to alter or change the zoning district classification of any property, or to make any changes in the terms of the Zoning Ordinance. It does, however, have power to act on matters where the Zoning Ordinance provides for an appeal, administrative review, interpretation, exception, or non-use variance. The Michigan Zoning Enabling Act and the Tawas City Zoning Ordinance contain language that the ZBA must adhere to when considering requests for variances to provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The meetings are subject to the Open Meetings Act.
The City of Tawas City Zoning Board of Appeals Rules of Procedures and Policies may be viewed here.